Home of Y Fricsan Pizza…

The Bakehouse opened in 2019 and the vision was simple: Bring people together around wholesome, natural food. The business model was to serve breakfasts and lunches based around home-made breads, cakes and pastries with pizza in the evenings. The reality was that within days we were struggling to meet demand for pizza.

Word spread and the words that spread were “Y Fricsan Pizza”. So there we go… business model and business name weren’t going to plan…

Then a pandemic happened and things really weren’t going to plan. By word of mouth alone, the word kept spreading and demand for our pizza kept growing. Completely out of our control, “Y Fricsan Pizza” became very well known…

So, we’ve embraced that and adapted to it. We concentrate on just doing pizza and doing it properly. To do that, we keep things simple.

Our pizza is unique. We make our pizza from scratch using the absolute best, entirely natural ingredients and these come from regions around Naples in Southern Italy.  We use those ingredients in a way that works here, in Cwm y Glo, and sell our pizza alongside the best things we can find locally to complement it.

We charge as little as is reasonable for what we do and pay as much as possible for what other people do. This creates a culture where interactions stay positive, people feel valued for who they are and welcome to be themselves. That’s very important to us. It’s what means that when people come here for Pizza, they share the experience, and come together. It's what makes the original vision for the Bakehouse reality.